Monday, August 15, 2011

First Day of School - Fall 2011

Wow.  It has been quite some time since I last posted anything.  So many changes since the last time I blogged.  We made a huge move BACK to north Dallas in early March.  I guess California just wasn't for us right now.  And I had sweet baby Jace.  Poor guy wasn't even a month old during the move but everyone is now settled and we're back on our routine.

It feels like the middle of summer and I can't believe school has already started!  I guess technically it IS the middle of summer.  I can't get used to school starting in mid August here.  Back when I was in school, it didn't start until AFTER Labor Day.  And after Labor Day was when it felt like fall back in the Pacific Northwest.  We still have triple digit heat right now...

Little Man did so well for his first day and I'm delighted!  It helped that he was in summer camp this summer and he loved it.  There was no crying and not even a hint of nervousness during the drop-off.  I can't believe how much he's grown this past year.  I guess all the changes pushed him along.  Mama did well too this morning.  I started to get a little teary eyed when I saw him in his uniform but quickly started thinking happy thoughts.  I also helped that he was excited about school and was in a good mood.

For lunch today we have turkey rolls on mini pirate swords, Ritz crackers with Laughing Cow cheese, seedless cucumbers and mini grape tomatoes on skewers, berry medley and vanilla milk.  For desert we have gummy Toy Story characters which he was very excited about and was the first thing he told his new teacher this morning.

I bought some new lunch containers which should be arriving anytime this week.  I'm excited to try them out!  By the way, I LOVE the silicone baking cups to separate different foods.  They easily mold to the shape you need.  I think I will pick up some more in different colors.

OK mamas, are you ready for school lunches this year?!  Would love to hear and see your ideas!


mamameg said...

decided to take a peek at your lunch blogging :) Reece is not in school yet where I have to pack her lunch, so I don't get to do this yet... I am impressed, maybe I will get some fun ideas for when I need to pack her lunch when she starts Kindergarten next year :)

Kimmi said...

You can always make a bento for her regular meals =) Sometimes I have to give Asa lunch in the car while running errands so I'll make him a bento and he loves it. I'll even include a toy or a sticker. Great alternative to fast food!