Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sub Sandwich and Sea Creatures!

I was running out of ideas for creative ways to make Little Man's lunch so I had to take a refresher by reviewing other fellow bento creators.  This gal is SUPER talented and I get a lot of my ideas from her including today's lunch:  Cute Food for Kids

I made a sunbutter and jam submarine sandwich out of a football cookie cutter.  Windows can be made by puching out the bread with a straw or in my case, I had some very small circle and oval cutters.  The periscope and rotors are made out of a bendy straw.  I cut wavy nori for seaweed in the background.  It would have been super cute and super easy to use gold fish crackers to add to the sea but we are all out!  Had some cheddar bunnies but I guess that wouldn't have made any sense.  My next option was to make the hotdog octopus and crab, which happens to be one of my favorites to make.  Yeah!  Fruit option is a mix of nectarines, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries.  For dessert, Toy Story gummies!

The container I used today is the EasyLunchBoxes which fits perfectly in his new school lunch bag.  I find this container a bit big for my preschooler's portion size.  Especially the main section which holds a full size sandwich.  This is where the silicone cupcake liners would come in handy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am the same way about lunch boxes/containers. Just can't stop buying them when I see neat ones. We have the same ones (sassy and the easylunchbox). Love them both. I also bought the one from Potterybarn, lookes like a laptop lunch, has several compartment. But it is sssooo big. I rarely use them. They do not fit in the girls' lunch bags.