Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Butterfly Flutter By

Over the weekend we went to a butterfly festival. Pretty cool for the kiddos to see them up close. Apparently butterflies like watermelon. The place provided watermelon and the butterflies would fly on to them. For lunch on Monday I thought I'd remind him of what we did on the weekend. I made a sunbutter and jam sandwich in the shape of a butterfly and used a icing writer (used on cookies) to decorate it. I added an extra heart sandwich just in case he was extra hungry. I never know if he really eats all of it. Some times at home he can eat 2 full sandwiches. Grapes and Pirates Booty.

Little Man has been into his Cowboy hat that he made at summer camp and a little toy snake as of last night. So this morning I made his lunch with that in mind. Lunch today consisted of turkey on mini pirate swords, a cowboy hat cut from a slice of cheese. I decorated it with the icing writer to match his cowboy hat with a star and his name. Edamame, goldfish and grapes. Oh and 1 chocolate chip for dessert. I know, just 1 chocolate chip? He's lucky to have that as a treat because this mama tries to stay away from sugar as much as I can! And if you're wondering what he drinks for lunch, he usually gets the Horizon Vanilla milk or regular milk. Apple juice just once in awhile but we try to save juice for an after school treat.

I'm starting to collect ideas for Halloween lunches which will be so much fun! And also fall. It's still pretty hot here so it's hard to think of autumn themes just yet. I hope all you mamas are having fun with your bentos!

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